Friday, September 19, 2008

While I'm at it......

Guess where I am right now??

That's right - a tea plantation and processing plant! Exciting!

These are not snowflakes that you see but tea flakes!!

It sure smelled strong!!

Yeah - you know I have to smell everything. I was blatantly ignoring the "this is a hygienic factory blah blah blah" sign on the wall.

This looks more like some kind of ritualistic dance but really it's just 2 men a-labouring.

Can you tell I got a total caffeine buzz while inside the processing plant??! I'm totally ecstatic about tea here!

Just wanted to include one picture from the recent Chaturdi Ganesha - the 14 day Ganesh festival here in Mysore. These are some boys, whooping it up for Ganesh! It was a super exciting moment that lasted about 30 seconds. You can see the truck pulling away - all these purple boys jumped on the truck to take the giant Ganesh to the river and sink it. Surefire method for removing all obstacles in life.

Ok - I'm bored of uploading pictures. D'rather go lay in bed and read til bedtime.
Love, A.

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