Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Finally, some long awaited pics

This is my terrace and the view from it. Nothing too dramatic, but at least I've got a nice bit of space.

This the family I live with/above, o por lo menos una parte. La madre es Ratna (short for Shivaratna, which means the pearls of Shiva, a beautiful name). Las ninas son Bhoomi (la mayor - 9 anios) y Megha (6 anios).

Check out their dance moves!!!!! Racy!!!

And check out my first full moon in Mysore from my terrace!! Psychadelic!!!

Riding the rickshaw with Hayley and Fabio to Guruji's birthday party! Look now cuz this is the only time you'll ever see me in a sari! Or in pink!!!!!

And with the eye infection to top it off!

Me and Barbara, my Mexican friend. She looks much more glam in her sari, but I have to say, this was my worst day in Mysore, so it's ok if I looked like crap.

Guruji looking handsome and youthful at his 93 years. I got so nervous when I greeted him, I could hardly get up with my sari and all, shaking and heart pounding.

Me and Mega in the park one street from where we live. I've visited a lot of parks in Mysore, some are pretty nice.

This is a pic from a naive artists/artisanry of India museum I went to. Pretty cool.

Here's another shot of me and Mega playing in a different park. I have done more things in Mysore but these are the first pictures I took.

Here's a shot of the Mysore palace at night. Sunday nights they light up the lights. This is one of the temples where I later had puja. So at least you see something more touristy. This uploading pictures business takes a long time so I'll put more up later.

Lotsa love, Andrea

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