Sunday, August 17, 2008

More photos, I keep on erasing them from the blog

These were the punky monkeys who were tearing apart someone's motorcycle. Talk about Hell's Angels!
A que sorprende que puedo sacar yo una foto tan buena del elefante. Elephants are very auspicious, you know...... they love water, and with the monzoon comes more fertile land and an abundant rice crop!

This flower is the Queen of the Night and was blooming (only at night, of course) in the Raghuram family garden, where I'm staying. My photo doesn't do justice. And no, it doesn't smell as good as it looks. Showy flowers never do.
I'm becoming a specialist in self-portraits.

Can you tell I had super-explosive diarrhea this day???? It looks like I'm on top of the world!!!! Ha ha! Let me tell you - it was a fun climb up, holding it in!

Just a sneak peak of the tallest monolithic sculpture in the world. Impresionante! No puedes imaginar la belleza y mayestad de esta estatua, la mas alta de una sola piedra en todo el mundo. Es jainista. Una paz increible ahi arriba. La figura tiene colinas de hormigas y plantas que trepan por las piernas del hombre, simbolos de su increible capacidad de tranquilidad y paciencia. En su meditacion ni le molestaban las hormigas a su alrededor.
I'll post more pics of it soon!

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